Sunday, May 27, 2012

District Conference

Yesterday was the District 5360 Weekend Conference held at a hotel in Canmore!  I was not registered to attend at first, but my outbound counsellor called me just the night before if I wanted to participate on the Saturday!  Although I had lots of homework to do, I simply couldn't refuse the opportunity to meet all the Inbounds again!

There were many influential leaders such as Craig Kielburger of Free the Children and RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) students who were taking part in this conference.  Later in the afternoon, the inbounds, Amelia and I went downtown to collect donations for one of Rotary International's Project called ShelterBox, an "international disaster relief charity that delivers emergency shelter, warmth and dignity to people affected by disaster worldwide."  We put together a tent and displayed cooking pots, blankets etc. for the people in town to see what's included in one shelter box.

Inbounds helping to set up the tent

Amber from Taiwan and I in the tent

We also collected some donations during our evening banquet, and amazingly in just one day, we achieved to collect over $3000.00!!!  That is enough to get 3 boxes to be sent away to people needing help!

The Ladies ... and Øyvind from Norway

Overall, the District Conference was a success and it was very wonderful to see the Inbounds again, and for the last time :'(

Bonne chance Inbounds, and au revoir!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Sari,
    I am glad you had a good time at the conference and what a great accomplishment for you all to raise over $3,000 for the Shelter Boxes....Good work!
